Monday, April 8, 2024

recommender systems live coding


Recommender system 

A recommendation system is a type of AI algorithm often linked with machine learning, designed to analyze large amounts of data to propose or suggest additional items to users. These suggestions can be tailored based on different factors such as previous purchases, browsing history, age, gender, and more. 

Recommendations are generated by analyzing the characteristics and attributes of items themselves, rather than relying on feedback or opinions from other users.

Here is what I did in class Introduction to Python

We had to use an app called Anaconda. Anaconda stands out as a widely embraced tool for handling environments and packages. It offers a straightforward method for setting up isolated environments tailored to specific Python versions and package requirements.

An AI toolkit is a bundle of software resources specifically curated to help with the creation, deployment, and handling of artificial intelligence (AI) applications. This toolkit typically includes various tools, libraries, and frameworks that simplify tasks such as building AI models, processing data, training algorithms, 

Sunday, April 7, 2024

Saturday, April 6, 2024

persistence of data

Persistence of data refers to the quality or characteristic of data being retained or preserved over time, even after the program, system, or device that created or stored it has been terminated, shut down, or no longer actively processing it. 

When we generate digital content, it's straightforward to upload but significantly more challenging to erase. Individuals' experiences are documented via the gadgets they utilize, such as debit cards,  smartphones, gaming consoles, and computers. Communities and individuals may evolve, yet the information persists, narrating tales that we might otherwise opt to overlook.

There are various methods and technologies used for data persistence. Here I will provide some common approaches. 

- File Systems: Storing data in files on disk is one of the most straightforward methods of persistence.

- Embedded Databases: Embedded databases are lightweight databases that are integrated into an application's runtime environment. 

- Databases: Databases are specialized systems designed for efficient data storage and retrieval. 

Key-Value Stores: Key-value stores are simple data stores that associate keys with values. 

persistence of data - Google Search

Friday, April 5, 2024



We are using arudino uno to make music along with synth edit. This is the equipment required to achieve all this 

- Arduino uno 

- usb lead


- Switch

- 10k resistor 

- midi to  USB interface 

Here are the steps broken down into individual actions

-  Plug your Uno board into the PC.

- Check that the correct serial port and board is selected in the tools tab.

- Before you connect the midi to your board, open up the appropriate code under file examples >4 communication > midi and upload the file.

Also, open up synth edit 

 - Create a new file.

- Drop in synth edit.

- in edit  open preferences 

- Go to audio and midi

- Change midi in and out to usb2.0-midi

MIDI is an acronym that stands for music instrument digital interface. its a way to connect devices that make and control sound - such as samplers and computers so that they can communicate with each other using MIDI messages.

Example of Standards 

- Universal Serial Bus (USB): A standardized interface for linking peripherals to computers and similar devices. USB offers a universal connection point for devices like keyboards, mice, printers, and storage devices to establish communication with computers.

- Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP): The cornerstone of data exchange on the World Wide Web. HTTP outlines the protocol for web browsers and servers to exchange information, facilitating user access and interaction with websites.

- Joint Photographic Experts Group (JPEG): A standard for compressing and encoding digital images. JPEG is widely utilized for storing and distributing photographs and various image types across the internet and digital platforms.

- Portable Document Format (PDF): A standardized format for representing documents independent of software applications, hardware, or operating systems. PDF ensures consistent rendering and printing of documents across diverse platforms.

- ISO 9000: A suite of quality management standards that furnish organizations with guidance and methodologies to ensure their products and services consistently fulfill customer requirements and regulatory specifications.

RFCs are documents published by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) and other organizations. They describe methods, behaviors, research, or innovations applicable to the workings of the Internet and Internet-connected systems. 

These standards, such as MIDI, serve essential functions within their specific fields by fostering interoperability, uniformity, and effectiveness across diverse processes and technologies.

Thursday, April 4, 2024

Introduction to AI Artificial neural network xor

   Artificial neural network 

artificial neural network are computational models inspired by the biological neural networks present in animal brains. ANNS are composed of interconnected nodes, often referred to as neurons or units, organized into layers 

First, we must download the zip file containing the Artificial Neural Network (ANN) code. Then, open the Arduino Integrated Development Environment (IDE) and run the Serial monitor. This will allow us to observe the progressive training and the final results. The program will transmit a set of training data every one thousand cycles, enabling us to witness how the network is gradually "learning" and approaching the correct answers.

xor function 

  xor code on Arduino 
expected output 

To demonstrate this historically significant problem, one typically creates a simple neural network with one or more hidden layers and trains it on the XOR dataset. The goal is to observe how the network learns to approximate the XOR function through iterative training.

overall the variation in the number of training cycles and the final results demonstrates the complicity of neural network training to various factors.

Artificial intelligence refers to the capability of computers and machines to mimic human intelligence and perform tasks that typically require human-like thinking, reasoning, and problem-solving abilities. 

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has left an indelible mark on history by increasing numerous sectors, from technology to healthcare and beyond. 

here are the key reasons:

-Industrial Evolution: In industry, AI has transformed manufacturing processes, optimizing efficiency, and streamlining maintenance.

- Financial Sector: In finance, AI-powered algorithms have enhanced risk management, fraud detection, and investment strategies,

The number of training cycles can differ each time an AI model is trained due to various reasons:

- Random Starting Point: AI models often initialize their parameters randomly before training. This means that each training session begins from a different starting point.

- Stopping Criteria: Training may stop early based on certain criteria, like achieving a target accuracy. 

Tuesday, April 2, 2024

Copywriting Media literacy

 Copywriting using Gimp

This was our first week and we started off with media literacy. We got given a task to work on using an app called GIMP which is an image editor for graphics design. This task was simply for us to get to know and understand how to edit images and videos.

The first task was to open the Middlesex university website and find an image for me to save to my computer. In that photo, i have to change the color balance and apply a filter. The picture has to be saved in a BMP format.                           

                                                                           Orginal photo 

                                                             Edited picture 

     This shouldn't be out to be published as this is copyright and against the law to do so. The only person that should be able to publish is the university in which they have. I will only publish stuff that is made by me or written by me. 

I have copied the link in which where I found this picture due to copywriting reasons.

Middlesex university (2024) International students. Available at International students | Middlesex University London ( accessed : (02/04/2024).

Saturday, March 16, 2024



Activity 1 - Real Users

For the following pictures decide what existing or fantasy input/output devices would benefit them. Remember people have five senses sight, smell, taste, touch, and hearing, so you might want to create devices for each of them – there is also the possibility of direct brain input.


-        Sight:

-        Input: High-resolution cameras for capturing visuals, augmented reality glasses for overlaying digital information onto the real world.

-        Output: High-definition displays for crisp visuals, virtual reality headsets for immersive experiences, holographic projectors for three-dimensional displays.


-        Smell:

-        Input: Electronic nose sensors capable of detecting and analyzing various odors.

-        Output: Scent-emitting devices that can recreate specific smells, scent cartridges similar to ink cartridges for printers.


-        Taste:

-        Input: Taste sensors capable of analyzing chemical composition and flavor profiles.

-        Output: Taste simulators that can recreate flavors through electrical stimulation of taste buds or through the release of flavored substances.


-        Touch:

-        Input: Haptic feedback gloves or suits that can simulate textures and pressure.

-        Output: Tactile displays that provide physical feedback, such as the sensation of touching different surfaces.


-        Hearing:

-        Input: High-fidelity microphones for capturing sounds from the environment, cochlear implants for direct transmission of sound signals to the brain.

-        Output: Surround sound systems for immersive audio experiences, bone conduction headphones that transmit sound through vibrations in the skull.


Activity 2

1)     What do you need to know or be able to do to control a computer?   - You need to be using input devices such like keyboard and mouse.


2)     How do you want to control your computer?  - By using a keyboard and mouse


Activity 3 – Mobile Accessibility

Elements of Task

1)     Consider the activities that you use a smartphone for? - Smartphones are used for messaging services, email, video calls and other social media apps.

Think about ordering clothing from Amazon

2)     Consider how the hardware or software would need to be designed to enable somebody who is blind or has a visual impairment to do each task?



recommender systems live coding

  Recommender system  A recommendation system is a type of AI algorithm often linked with machine learning, designed to analyze large amount...